“Pinocchio,” shortlisted for the Penrose Poetry Prize, 2022.
“Lessons from a Snowshoe Hare,” and “Wolverine as my Trans
Awakening,” Death Rattle / Oroboro Lit Journal, October 31, 2022.
“Lessons from a Starfish,” Eleven & a ½ Literary Magazine, print May 2022.
“Cardinals,” pan-pan press, December 8, 2021.
“Cardinals” and “Queer People Love,” The Canticle, May 2021, pp.
4-6, print/online. “Queer People Love” won Editor’s Choice award.
“Midwest States Take Longest to Traverse,” Until Then a publication
by Osseous Matter, October 2020, print.
“Lonely Things,” printed in Crush, a Drafts on Tap Zine, February 2020.
Short Fiction
“Fruits of a Body,” Esoterikos, December 2021, print.
A Future Moving Sky, undergraduate thesis collection, completed
December 2021.
Chronosong, collaborative collection funded by The New School,
self published, October 2020. (Collaboration with John Patterson,
Margaux Bouchegnies, Juliana Braka, Maeve A’Hearn.)
Kaleidoscoping, collaborative single zine collection, self-published, May 2020.
Lonely Things, mini-chapbook, self-published, print, March 2020.
The Metamorphosis, chapbook, self-published, print, May 2017.
“Across Legal Records and Remembered Recollections: On
Jan-Henry Gray’s Documents (2019)” BOA Blog, August 2021.
“The Various and Undulating Literary Time Experience: Interviewing
Wendy Xu, Anna Archibald, and Emily Lee Luan.” Eleven & a ½
Literary Magazine, Print, May 2022.